Tagged by Tanya

Recently I was tagged by my good friend, Tanya Reimer, a magical and generous writer. In return, I tag another generous writer, Suzanne Lilly, whose debut book will be published July 2012 by Turquoise Morning Press’s Honey Creek Books. In addition, I must answer these questions from Tanya:

 1. What is the title of your current WIP? Tell us about it.

The Transparents is a middle grade book about a boy who suddenly becomes invisible during math class, and learns to use his new ability to become a more confident version of himself and to solve a mystery to save his older brother and his best friend.

2. When did you start blogging and why?

Hmm, that’s a good question. I started blogging about three years ago to have an online presence. It has become a good way to make friends with other writers on the journey to publication.

3. If you could do anything tomorrow, what would you do?

Leave for France. But I’ll have to wait until late Spring. Okay, since I can’t leave tomorrow for France then I want to do exactly what I normally do on Thursdays and Fridays if I don’t have stuff to do at my kids’ school: exercise by playing Just Dance 3, do a tiny household chore (like throwing a load of laundry into the washer and then forgetting about it, or sweeping my kitchen floor), reading an actual book while eating my lunch (or meeting a friend out for lunch), and a whole lot of writing/revising.

4. Describe your happy place.

It’s quiet and calm (unless I’m in the mood for singing and dancing) with soft places to sit and lots of hot tea and peanut M&Ms. Then again, sometimes my happy place is doing something silly with my kids.

5. What was your first happy memory?

A birthday party at McDonald’s when I was about 4.

6. What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done?

Okay, so believe it or not, but this former globe-trotting humanitarian aid worker’s scariest moment was last summer on a roller coaster with my kids. I’m not a thrill seeker – at least not that kind – but my boys love roller coasters and I thought our local Six Flags park’s Bobsled looked doable for me. Nope. Never again. Sorry, guys.

7. What is the funnest thing you did today?

Today is not a good day to ask me that question since I spent most of the day feeling ill. The funnest thing I did last Tuesday was play Simon Says in French with a group of kids in Kindergarten through 2nd grade.

8. What is the strangest place you’ve ever gotten an idea for a story?

On the toilet.

9. Where do you write?

On the toilet. Oops, nope, wrong question. Mostly I write on my living room couch.

10. If you just won a ticket to anywhere in the world but had to take me, where would you take me? Why?

I would take you to Rwanda so you can see how I lived for a couple of years, visit the mountain gorillas, and look for my friend Marie-Josée because she’s awesome and you’d totally get along.

Okay, your turn. In the comments tell me where in the world you’d take me and why. And Suzanne, if you feel like it, you can answer all the questions on your blog someday.


Filed under The rest of my life, writing

7 responses to “Tagged by Tanya

  1. Gail Aldous

    I would take you hiking up a mountain in the Adirondacks, in Maui, in one of the USA national parks, in France, Ireland, Scotland, or in Italy with a notepad and pen because after we get to the top and take in the views, it’s a great, quiet place to reflect and write.
    You were BRAVE to go on the Bobsled. I like roller coasters and I won’t go on that one.

  2. hahahaha!

    You’d do light chores if you could do anything? That settles it! I’m taking you on an adventure. There’s a cave involved, a beach, a little magic, and no, I repeat, no chores!!!!! See you in Mexico, bring bug spray, hiking shoes and your bathing suit. Leave the rest up to me!

  3. Hey, those are some good questions! I’m busy thinking about my happy place and my first happy memory and the strangest place I’ve ever got an idea… hmmm… I think it was on a uncomfortable sofa in a motel where I was sleeping (or rather, trying to sleep) because my parents were both snoring so loud! If I could take you anywhere it would be into orbit. I would dearly love to see the stars in space and watch the world turn underneath me for a few days.

  4. Fresh from my desk...

    Hi Vicki~

    I’ve nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award: http://freshfrommydesk.wordpress.com/2012/03/15/versatile-blogger-award/

    You always having something new to say on the craft of writing – love it!

  5. Hehehe, toilet.

    Let’s go to France!!!!!!!

  6. I’d love to go to France too! And, funny, I remember having a birthday party at McDonald’s when I was in grade school…

  7. Your MG book sounds fabulous! I love the idea of disappearing during math class (iIused to wish for that all the time). 🙂 What fun answers!

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