
It seems like that time of year again: querying agents. Here are some resources I have used to draft queries. When you get published, you can thank me in the acknowledgements. Teehee.

*An agent rips apart, I mean, gently critiques query letters sent in by writers, on the Query Shark blog.

*Agent Nathan Bransford’s blog is full of great information for writers, including this on the anatomy of a good query letter.

*Young adult author, Elana Johnson, has an awesome e-book From the Query to the Call, that walks you through the whole process of writing a great query.

*Jane Friedman’s The Complete Guide to Query Letters that Get Manuscript Requests

*Agent Rachelle Gardner has lots of great advice about the publishing industry. Here’s How to Write a Query Letter.

*Writer’s Relief posted Anatomy of a Query Letter in the Huffington Post.

*Media Bistro offers 23 Literary Agent Query Letters That Worked

Please share your favorite query resource or advice in the comments.


Filed under Getting Published

4 responses to “Queries

  1. QueryTracker.net is one of my favorites. It’s free for basic stuff, but a couple of years I decided to subscribe and the extra info that unlocks is incredible. Either way, it’s really useful. Lots of resources in the forums, too, and you don’t have to join if you just want to browse.

  2. dksalerni

    This is a great resource for nailing the query! Bookmarking this for a couple people I know at this step.

  3. Thanks! Useful. Good luck!!!!

  4. Rats! I think my comment got kicked to spam. For some reason that’s been happening to me lately. Anyway, here’s what I said (but now using my Twitter profile for the login in case that helps):

    Those are great ones! I have an agent now and I *still* read Query Shark because she has such helpful information. Plus I know I’ll still have to write pitches from time to time, and she’s great at that.

    Also, like Beth Hull I absolutely swear by Query Tracker. SUCH a good resource! I went for the premium membership and it was more than worth it.

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